Call Chinese Talent Contest in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

The CLEC Foundation – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (hereinafter, the Regional Center) joins the ASA Panama Foundation to co-sponsor the “Chinese Talent Contest in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021”. The objective of this call is to promote the interest and study of Chinese language and culture in the region, in addition to promoting friendship, cultural and artistic exchange between China and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
This contest is open to Chinese language students from all educational institutions in the region, in three categories: Chinese dance, traditional Chinese painting, and Chinese calligraphy (with calligraphy brush). Contestants can choose one or more of the above three topics and demonstrate their mastery of Chinese, their talent, and their understanding of Chinese culture by submitting their video.
1. Competition process
The Chinese Talent Competition is divided into four stages:
a. First stage: Publication of the bases
On September 5, 2021, the Regional Center will publish the bases of the competition through email, official website, official WeChat account, community, social networks, etc.
b. Second stage: (September 5-September 17, 2021): submission of the works and online voting.
Contestants must submit the requested materials (Annex 1), video, application forms, student certificate, and personal photos to through the Wetransfer
platform. After the participating videos and related materials have passed the review, the Regional Center will send a confirmation message to the participants within 3 business days, and at the same time upload the approved videos to the Https:// Regional Center’s YouTube channel.
Participants and online users can enter the YouTube channel page to vote online (“like”) before 10:00 on September 30, Chile time (GMT-3). The result of the vote will generate the “Popularity Award”.
c. Third stage (18 to 30 September 2021): review and assessment of registrations.
The Regional Center will have a panel of experts who will form the review committee, to formulate review criteria and conduct a preliminary evaluation and review of all work.
d. Stage Four: (1 October 2021 at 10.00 GMT-3) Announcement of the winners
After the expert review and online voting, the Regional Center through the Zoom platform, on October 1, 2021 at 10.00, Chile time, will announce the results of the
competition. The list of winners will also be published on the official website and other channels. Each participant will receive a link to access this live stream of the Zoom platform from the registered email address.
2. Requirements:
2.1 Participants
All Chinese language learners from educational institutions can participate. A valid student certificate (2021) must be attached indicating the level of Chinese studied. If the contestants are of Chinese nationality, they must possess a certificate of permanent residence or a green card in their country of residence. Must submit the application form and the current student certificate signed by the head of the Chinese language teaching institution where they are located, to indicating the level of Learning Chinese (basic – intermediate – advanced).
2.3 Content and categories
Contestants must record a video of 3 to 6 minutes in length in a single file, whose theme belongs to one of the following categories:
(1) Chinese dance
- Contestants (individual or group) must complete the presentation and presentation of the dance within the specified time, including a Chinese explanation of not less than 1 minute and a full presentation of folk dance or classical Chinese dance. If it is a group, only 1 member (representative) must send the form and materials.
Accompanying music can be used in the performance, and you need to make sure that there is no original singing sound, otherwise, the YouTube platform will delete the video.
The evaluation will be based on multiple elements of the Chinese explanation, such as part of the text, intonation and appearance, dance choreography, dance performance, costume selection, and music.
(2) Traditional Chinese painting
- Painting materials can be brush, ink, Chinese paint pigments, rice paper, among others.
- The topic is open.
- The participant (individual) must send a photo of an original traditional Chinese painting, indicating author and title.
- The video should contain the process of finishing the painting and in addition to an explanation, completely in Chinese language. The explanation must last no less than 1 minute.
- The video should include part of the painting process where the participant can be seen full body while doing the work.
- The evaluation will be based on the explanation, pronunciation, painting techniques, composition and color scheme and other elements.
(3) Chinese calligraphy with calligraphy brush
- Participants (individual) must submit an original photo of Chinese calligraphy.
- The video should contain the process of finalizing the calligraphy and in addition to an explanation, completely in Chinese language. The explanation must last no less than 1 minute.
- The video should include part of the calligraphy process where the participant can be seen while doing the work.
- The evaluation will be based on factors such as the explanation of the copy, pronunciation, the content of the writing, the strokes and lines, and the structure of the chapter.
- Technical requirements
- Duration: 3-6 minutes, videos of less than 3 minutes or more than 6 minutes will not be accepted.
- Format: .avi .mpg .flv
- Content: Should include an introduction where you should include information such as the contestant’s full name, the name of the Chinese educational institution, and the category (Chinese dance, traditional Chinese painting, Chinese calligraphy with calligraphy brush). The video must meet the requirements for each category (2.2). The content of the video must be highly compatible with the thematic category selected by the contestant.
- Quality: The image must be clear and stable, the sound must be clear, which
- allows to understand the pronunciation and the content.
2.4 Photography requirements
Contestants who participate in the themes of traditional Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy should try to respect the original colors of the work when taking photos. Shots must be complete and non-reflective and must not use any software to beautify the images.
3. Prizes
Every category is awarded separately. The organizing committee will issue certificates of prizes and bonuses to the winners.
Each participant can only receive one prize.
First prize: 400 USD
Second prize: 300 USD
Third prize: 200 USD
Popularity Award: 200 USD
4. Copyright Statement
- Submitted works must be original and created by the same participant. To see any participation of other people in the video must have the authorization;
- Legal issues such as copyright, reputation rights, authorization of participants in the video and others, involved in the work will be borne by the provider of the work itself, and the contestant promises that the entry will not infringe the copyright of a third party;
- Participants agree to authorize the Regional Center to enjoy the right to distribute their work online;
- The Regional Center and the cooperative media have the right to reuse the videos for the exhibition, demonstration, and other purposes for advertising purposes, without remuneration or additional permission;
- Any person submitting their application is deemed to have accepted the relevant regulations of this competence.
- Participating in the competition implies no payment or fee.
- The right to interpret this event belongs to the CLEC Foundation – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
CLEC Foundation – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
September 4, 2021