Workshop: “Chinese language + agricultural culture”

In order to encourage the enthusiasm and interest of Chinese language and culture students in Latin America and the Caribbean during the pandemic, and to strengthen Latin American friends’ knowledge and understanding of Chinese language, Chinese agricultural culture and agricultural science and technology, the CLEC Foundation – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, in collaboration with South China Agricultural University, will organize a workshop on “Chinese + Agricultural Culture”, details of which are specified as follows:.
I. Dates: August 29th – September 15th, 2022.
II. Language: the workshop will be held in Chinese and will have simultaneous translation into the following languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese.
III. Target group: students, professors from universities in Latin America and the Caribbean and officials from the agricultural sector in the region.
IV. Registration: You must fill out the following registration form that will serve as access to the opening ceremony.
Important: Places are limited; the application process will end once the quotas are filled.
Opening ceremony:
August 29
21:30 – 22:00 GMT-4
19:30 – 20:00 Honduras| Costa Rica | Belize | Nicaragua | El Salvador
20:30 – 21:00 Peru | Mexico | Colombia | Ecuador | Panama | Jamaica
21:30 – 22:00 Bolivia | Venezuela | Chile* | Barbados | Cuba | Haiti | Bahamas | Dominican Republic
22:30 – 23:00 Argentina | Brasília | Suriname
Workshops: from August 30 to September 15.
20:00 – 22:00 GMT-4
18:00 – 20:00 Honduras| Costa Rica | Belize | Nicaragua | El Salvador
19:00 – 21:00 Peru | Mexico | Colombia | Ecuador | Panama | Jamaica
20:00 – 22:00 Bolivia | Venezuela | Chile* | Barbados | Cuba | Haiti | Bahamas | Dominican Republic
9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Argentina | Brasilia | Suriname
*Chile time will change to GMT-3 from September 4
V. Calendar of activities: Time zone GMT-4
Date | Time | Subjects | Professor |
Monday 29/08 | 21:30-22:00 | Opening Ceremony | |
Tuesday 30/08 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “农田耕种” Cultivation of farmland | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | The agricultural history collection of the South China Museum of Agriculture. | Xie Zhengsheng | |
Wednesday 31/08 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “茶香万里” Tea fragrance | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | “A cup of Chinese tea: health and happiness for all” (confirmed) | Liu Wenpin | |
Thursday 01/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “绫罗绸缎” The beauty of silk | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Silkworm culture in China | Liu Jiping | |
Monday 05/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “云舞霓裳” Dancing on the cloud in neon clothing | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Xiangyun silk costume design, intangible cultural heritage of China | Jin Hui | |
Tuesday 06/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “花开富贵” Richness of bloom | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Pressed floral art: discovering the beauty of plants | Chen Guoju | |
Wednesday 07/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “虫鸣螽跃” Songs and dances of insects | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | The world of insects | Wang Houshuai | |
Thursday 08/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “林木森森” forest trees | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Chinese medicinal plants | Shi Shi | |
Monday 12/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “飞檐走壁” Flying over walls | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Chinese gardens and the life of the literati | Gao Wei | |
Tuesday 13/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “鸡鸣犬吠” Roosters screaming, dogs barking | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Pets: China’s veterinary medicine industry | Xiong Huijun | |
Wednesday 14/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “瓜果飘香” Fragrance of fruits | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | Characteristic fruits and vegetables and their production in China | Wu Zhenxian | |
Thursday 15/09 | 20:00-21:00 | China in Chinese characters: “米的一生” The life of rice | Meng Dehong |
21:00-22:00 | New technology and application of rice biological improvement | Chen Letian | |
22:00-22:30 | Closing Ceremony |
VI. Description
1. This workshop will be held via Zoom. In order to participate, you must have the Zoom Meeting application in your computer and have stable internet access.
2. Times are based on GMT-4 time zone. It is important to check the schedule according to your time zone.
3. Take into consideration the schedules in those countries that changes time zone during the development of this workshop.
4. Before the start of each class, please enter the meeting room 10 minutes in advance.
5. A certificate of participation will be given to those who attend 75% of the sessions. Attendance will be verified manually in each session, so it is important that each participant access the sessions with their full name. The certificate will be digital and issued by the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the CLEC Foundation.
6. The workshop is free of charge.
All Chinese language and culture lovers in Latin America and the Caribbean are welcome to register for the workshop!
CLEC Foundation – Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
July 26st, 2022