The objectives of the CLEC Foundation Office for Latin America and the Caribbean are:
Enable the Institutions that teach the Chinese language to play a strategic role in the process of intensifying and deepening the relations of all Latin America with the People’s Republic of China, revaluing our geographical area of influence and our common language.
Imagine, design and implement, within the framework of said role, common lines of action, projects and activities at the different levels (institutional, group or individual) and the different levels (social, cultural, educational, economic, productive) that said relationships cover .
Commissioned by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, coordinate and horizontally integrate the actions of the Institutions that teach the Chinese language in Latin America with a view to establishing internal cooperation mechanisms that allow:
- Take the initiative in relation to the selection, organization and evaluation of the activities to be developed within the framework of their own objectives.
- Jointly formulate with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation a cultural, educational, academic, economic, technological and commercial offer.
- In both cases, generate an economy of scale that benefits all parties, and that makes the relationship with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation and the allocation and use of the funds it provides more efficient.
- Develop operational strategies incorporating various elements arising from the experiences and realities of its members, in order to define suitable lines of action to deal with common problems.
The main functions of the CLEC Foundation Office for Latin America and the Caribbean are:
Commissioned by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, develop its coordinating activity and support for the same.
Propose to the Center for Language Education and Cooperation the thematic areas to be developed within the framework of the project.
Detect, at the level of the Latin American Institutions, common interests, and with their help and active participation: A) existing activities that can be addressed through common programs and projects for the purpose of greater operational efficiency, and B ) the activities not yet developed that could enhance the actions of each of them and expand their area of influence.
Commissioned by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, offer services that help the organization, coordination and celebration of already unified activities.
Prepare, on the basis of the information emanating from the two immediate previous items, plans and annual reports that also contain financial reports, and submit them to the Center for Language Education and Cooperation for evaluation and eventual approval.
Disseminate information on the development of Institutions in Latin America for the media or public relations organizations. Collaborate with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation in emergencies that occur in Institutions in Latin America.
Commissioned by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation to coordinate the training of Chinese teachers for the Institutions, creating a regional center for the training of Mandarin Chinese teachers in Spanish and Portuguese and the training of local teachers through a common methodology.
Coordinate the printing of texts in Spanish and Portuguese for Mandarin Chinese courses in the countries of the region.