International Congress on Chinese Language Teaching in Latin America and the Caribbean

Location: Hotel Diego de Almagro Providencia (Pio X 2530, Providencia, Santiago, Chile) and Virtual vía ZoomHybrid format: Mandatory registration for the online and in-person event Informations: Program Download Program Thursday, September 5th, 2024 08:30 – 09:00 Registration and Accreditation 09:00 – 10:00 Opening…

Chinese Language Day at the United Nations

April 20, the day of Chinese Language Day at the United Nations, has a fascinating historical and cultural background that dates to the beginnings of Chinese civilization. This date was officially designated as Chinese Language Day at the United Nations on February 19, 2010.  The…

Chinese+ multimedia design

Date: December 14 Time: 12:00 GMT-3 (Chile time) Registration is open and free! Welcome to the exciting universe of multimedia design, where creativity intertwines with technology to create extraordinary visual and auditory experiences. We are pleased to invite you to our next seminar, focusing…